Thursday, July 21, 2011

What am I doing?

This is my first official post!  It's exciting to have a blog, but I must admit that I am slightly intimidated by the whole thing.  What if I'm boring?  What if nobody even reads this?  We'll see...

I am starting this blog to help myself stay sane.  Until this school year, I had been an elementary school teacher for 9 years and loved the kids who I got to teach year after year.  After having baby #3 in February, though, my husband and I decided that the best thing to do would be to stay home.  This makes me happy and nervous.

At such a hard time for teachers, I should count myself lucky to have this opportunity.  I know lots of moms out there would stay home with their kids in a second if they could.  I'm super excited about this journey with my own children, but part of me already misses the kids I'm not going to get the chance to help in the classroom.  I'm sure I'll find a way to make a difference in that area. 

In the meantime, I have overloaded my brainstorming list with tons of projects and goals I'd like to do.  This will be the place where I can write to clear my head, see my own insanity, or pat myself on the back for a job well done.  Right now I'm just constantly cooking for the kids, cleaning up the kitchen after I cook, feeding Ross, changing diapers, working out (gotta lose that baby weight), and finding the time to shower afterwards!  Oh- and now... finding time to keep up a blog!  We'll see how it goes...


A Goldsworthy Note said...

I'm excited to read along. I told Cynthia I was going to start booting again before Grant turned 1, so you're doing better than me. Starting when I return from vacation. :0)
BTW, YEA!!! I'm your first comment!!!

Candy said...

As we send Samuel off to college next month...don't blink cause this time only lasts a moment.
Collecting bugs and learning about them was one of our fun projects. And with neighbor kids you become a 'nature teacher'...always will always be a teacher. Just your students change.
Enjoy it all! Laughing, crying, and really the insanity never lasts very long.
Jeremy and the three monkeys are lucky to have you.
Blessings ;-)

Cyndi Hendrickson said...

Yay! Your first blog post! I love your background. It's soooo you! Kind of reminds me of the apron I got Mia. Hehe!

I'm already hooked. Can't wait to

carol anne said...

Yeah! Can't wait to hear more ~

Betsy said...

You will never regret this time with your family! What an awesome way to chronicle your stay at home years. I am so excited to be able to follow along and share a bit of your mommy days. Feel like I will be remembering many of my own experiences as time goes by. Thanks.

Seena said...

Keep 'em coming, we're here for you! :-)